Kite and Rocket Schedule

Date:                                              Activity 
5/2, 5/3                                 Kite testing in PE field
5/4 , 5/5                                Fieldtrip to Key Biscayne and Classwork
5/6                                          Kite testing in PE field
5/10 Tuesday                       Last day to purchase Pizza Lunch
5/9 , 5/10, 5/11, 5/12        Rocket testing and Final Kite testing
5/13 Friday                           Earth Day Kite Flying Day Parents Invited – Extra
5/16                                       End of Course” Exam for Algebra
5/17, and 5/18                     Final Rocket testing days
5/19                                       Rocket Launch Day  Parents Invited – Extra Credit
5/20-5/21                             End-of-Year Field Trip
5/24                                       BEAT Award Ceremony – Parents Invited – Extra  
5/25 – 6/9                            Final Exams – Review, Essay, and Objective Tests 
                                                                      (Fourth Nine Week Test)
6/3                                         8th Grade Prom